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5 Reasons Why Chocolate is Good For You

At last, some good news in the media: Chocolate is good for you!

Sophie sneaks some chocolate: bad puppy!

According to researchers at Harvard University, people who eat chocolate live longer. After conducting a 65 year study, it was discovered that those who consume chocolate live nearly a year longer than those who don’t.

Only catch is, the study was conducted on men (WHAT!!!!) who ate a moderate amount of chocolate (and their definition of moderation is?!), just three times a month. Bit of a problem if, like me, you believe that chocolate is one of the five food groups …

So we’ll forget about that useless piece of trivia for a moment and look at 5 reasons why chocolate is good for you!

  1. Chocolate contains antioxidants, which reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers. Forty grams of chocolate contains antioxidants equivalent to one glass of red wine.
  2. A 50g bar of chocolate contains .75 mg of iron. “While this may not sound like much,” said Kristie Bell from Nutrition Australia, “it is in fact 10% of the Recommended Dietary Intake for men, and 5% for women.”
  3. The same bar of chocolate provides 125 mg of calcium, which is 15% of the R.D.I. Kristie Bell advises that calcium and iron are minerals often lacking in our diets – so this is good news indeed!
  4. Chocolate will not increase your blood cholesterol.
  5. Feeling stressed? No wonder you reach for the chocolate – it contains valeric acid, a relaxant and tranquiliser, and sugar, which has been shown to have a calming and pain relieving effect.

What’s your preference when it comes to chocolate? I’m quite partial to dark chocolate myself … which is said to be “healthier” than milk chocolate … meaning I can indulge a little bit more often (or at least I like to think so!).

NB: This post is a slightly altered version of one of my earliest articles published online, back in about 1999 or 2000! Chocolate really does stand the test of time 🙂

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