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Why I love Candles (and I’m not alone!)

It’s funny how we still love candles in the 21st century.

We don’t NEED them anymore – since the advent of electric lighting they are well and truly obsolete.

I mean – can you imagine using a tub and scrubbing board to do your laundry these days? Do you even have a scrubbing board in your house? Of course not – you’ve got a washing machine for that, dur!

And yet, candles linger – even today you wouldn’t find too many homes these days that DON’T have candles!

Here are 5 reasons why I love candles (especially the scented kind) and don’t think they will ever go out of fashion …

1. The Ultimate Beauty Treatment

Candle light is tremendously flattering! What woman doesn’t glow and look younger by candlelight?!

2. Great Mood Lighting

Nothing says romance and luxury like candles … think of a candle lit dinner; or bathing by candle light.

3. Simply Scent-sational

Scented candles don’t just look great, adding a certain something to your room decor – they make your home smell good too, even when they are not lit!

Scent can be a powerful memory trigger. Just consider what these various fragrances might make you think of:

Well, I’m sure you get the idea!

4. Mesmerising and Hypnotic

There’s just something about watching the flicker of a candle. It’s like watching an open fire – something we just don’t get to do much in our warm Queensland climate – or gazing at the ocean. You can’t help but take a deep breath and r-e-l-a-x. They make a bath even more special!

5. Celebration and Good Cheer

To me, candles signify celebration, or a special occasion. Birthdays; Christmas; romantic dinners a deux; weddings. (Did I ever tell you the funny story about our little flower girl at our wedding? She was not quite 3, and as the candles were lit so we could cut our wedding cake, she launched into a rousing version of “Happy Birthday to You”!)

We have lots of candles in our home, but after reading this I’m sure you’ll understand when I say there is always room for more!

Are you a fan of candles? How many would I find at your place?!

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