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5 Ways to Spoil your Indoor Cat

When you have an indoor kitty, it’s important to make sure that they have plenty of entertainment.

(And no, I don’t mean letting them watch endless daytime television 😉 ).

Although cats sleep a LOT, and many of them like to cuddle, they also not only enjoy but NEED a bit of playtime. According to what I’ve read, indoor kitties are more likely to eat more and/or demand more food if they are bored, and I’ve certainly noticed it’s the case with our own fur baby 😉 .

So here are 5 ways to spoil your indoor cat, without spending a fortune – and you can be confident they’ve all received the kitty seal of approval from Miss Fleur herself!

5 Ways to Spoil Your Indoor Cat

1. Plant some Grass in a Pot: I started off buying seedlings of cat grass at the nursery, but soon discovered that Miss Fleur is just as happy with ordinary grass I’ve dug up from the lawn and planted in a pot for her enjoyment. Once the grass has some height to it, I bring it inside and she will begin chomping on it straight away. By keeping her cat grass out on our cat patio, it still gets some sunlight and I continue to water it, so it can last a good month or two before I have to exchange it for a fresh pot. If Miss Fleur is any indication, your kitty will love sniffing, chewing and attacking playing with their grass!

2. A Cardboard Box: Just like toddlers, kitties love playing with boxes! They can hide in them; jump on them; push them around; try to get objects that have been hidden underneath; chew on them; and even play peek-a-boo! (Actually, it doesn’t have to be a box – Miss Fleur loves playing in my laundry basket too).

3. A Laser Light: The hubster has a spirit level with a laser pointer – and Fleur goes crazy chasing that little red dot! She can be at the other end of the house, and if she hears the laser being clicked on, she starts to make a funny “meow” and comes running, ready for fun and games!

4. Grasshoppers: From time to time, my gardens are plagued with grasshoppers but I’ve found a way to kill two birds with one stone … Fleur just loves it if I catch a grasshopper and bring it in to her cat patio for her to play with. It’s a great way for her to practise her “hunting” skills (and sometimes she eats it when she’s finished with it … ewwww); and it saves my plants from being eaten!

5. Let Your Kitty Explore New Territory: Open a drawer or cupboard that normally your kitty doesn’t have access to, and let her explore! (Of course, keep an eye on her and make sure she can’t get into anything dangerous …)

AND because I can’t count, here are two BONUS tips!

Bonus Tip #1: According to a news story I saw recently, apparently cats love to play on iPads! Just make sure you have a good screen protector. Miss Fleur tends to get a bit rough when she gets carried away … she also ends up hunting for the gold fish UNDER the iPad (what a smart kitty!).

Bonus Tip #2: We discovered on the weekend that Fleur was particularly taken with the paper bag that held our KFC takeaway – it was much more than just a fun hidey-hole, it came with the most intriguing smells!

What sort of things do you do if you want to spoil your indoor cat (or outdoor moggy for that matter)?!

NB This post was originally published in August 2015; I have just updated it with extra tips. You’re welcome 😉 .

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