Site icon Middle Aged Mama

Who is the Middle Aged Mama?

Janet Camilleri blogger

Hi, I’m Janet Camilleri, otherwise known as the Middle Aged Mama.

You know, when you’re in the thick of raising children, it can feel like it will last forever.

Fashioning a New Life after the Kids Have Grown

I’m a middle aged woman, now on the “other side” – living proof that there IS life after raising a family!

And I’m discovering that there is much to love about this new stage.

I am supported in my endeavours and constantly encouraged by my awesome hubster of over 30 years, and sometimes by the kidults and their partners.

With my gorgeous daughter.

Being Middle Aged is Great!

A lot of people don’t want to acknowledge or admit that they are *shock horror* middle aged. To me, middle age is the prime of life. There is a sense of freedom that comes with having grown kids, and chances are the budget is a bit more relaxed too. Did somebody say travel?!

Exploring Santorini in the Greek islands.

I like to share about the various aspects of life as middle aged woman, from health and wellness, to marriage, parenting teenagers and/or grown children, career, and staying stylish.

Fashion From the Real World

I’m passionate about looking good on a budget – you don’t have to spend a million bucks to look it! I’m all about fashion from the real world, and a bit of an op shopper extraordinaire …

A Daily Dose of Cute

I was raised by a parent with a severe mental illness, and have had my own battles with depression. So I know the importance of having a good laugh, and am a firm believer in the power of a daily dose of cute! I’m a bit of a crazy cat lady (this is my fur baby, Miss Fleur), but hey, I’m not fussy, I also love dogs, teddies, babies … you get the idea.

We could probably all take a leaf out of the book of Fleur …

I’ve always loved writing, and have been published in dozens of magazines and websites. From 1998 I founded a magazine for Australian Christian women called Footprints, which I continued for 15 years. I discovered blogging in about 2007, and was hugely jealous of these young “mummy bloggers” – I knew that if it had been around when my kids were small, I would have been blogging for sure!

How Middle Aged Mama Began

I launched the blog in November 2012 as “Redland City Living”, after being made redundant from a position in the community development field. Although I was devastated by this unexpected event, I decided it was time to follow my dreams of writing fulltime and working from home; Redland City Living was just a small part of this. My story of success after redundancy even appeared in the Redland City News magazine.

Over a year later, with a flourishing business providing writing, editing and social media services for a number of clients, and with the blog taking on a life and direction all it’s own, I realised it was time to make a change, and began the process of re-branding as I found that a lot of people were missing out on my bloggy awesomeness 😉 , because the name “Redland City Living” gave them the impression that if they didn’t live in my local area, it wasn’t necessarily for them.

Why Middle Aged Mama?

As I browsed various blogs, I found very few that were relevant to me, as a middle aged woman. So I decided to step into the gap.

The other thing I love is that the definition of “middle age” is fluid and covers a wide range of ages.

Feedback from Readers

Here is just some of the positive feedback I’ve received from readers and clients …

“I have just read your post about your Mother passing away, and needed to make contact. My Mother no longer talks to me … I too, feel the stigma of telling people that my Mother chooses not to speak to me, and wanted to let you know that your post really stuck a chord with me … I just really wanted to say thank you for sharing this post and for allowing me to feel normal for a while.” Name withheld by request

“I always enjoy your posts, even though I don’t live anywhere near there. It’s great that you cover a mixture of topics. You also seem really positive and your optimism shines through onto the blog and is uplifting, especially for a negative Nelly like me.” Ness

“I love reading your blog every day as it’s always so ‘up’! … I don’t know what it is Janet but every time I read your blog I instantly feel calm.” Michelle

Oh, and if you enjoy Middle Aged Mama, chances are you will also like some of the other Aussie blogs I love!

Professional Background

My blog is just one small aspect of my own business, Front Page Web Writing. My talents and skills are probably best utilised as an SEO copywriter, but I can also assist with:

Personal Background

Here are some posts that will tell you a little bit more about my life story …


Janet Camilleri
M: 0421 757 424
Facebook: www.facebook/middleagedmama
Twitter: middleagedmama1
Instagram: middleagedmama

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