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Addicted to Naps

addicted to naps

I started out wanting to call this post “addicted to sleep”, but the more I thought about it, I realised that it is more accurate to say, I’m addicted to naps.

I get an average of 7 hours’ sleep each night which is pretty normal. So it’s not night time that is the problem.

It’s the lull that comes after lunch.

It wasn’t always this way. Like most kids, I was made to have an afternoon nap. Back then I didn’t appreciate it – probably because my childhood bedroom was on the west side of the house and hotter than hades.

Addicted to Naps: how it all started

When I was about 16 however, I discovered that I actually *liked* napping. Over the years, there have been various medical reasons. Glandular fever when I was Year 12. Living with low iron levelsDepression. Hay fever in the days before I had the injections. (You know those “non-drowsy” medications? They’re lying because they ALL knock me out!).

I Must Confess: there is nothing in the world that I love more than an afternoon nap. To snuggle under a throw rug – it’s just so cosy. To relax and just think. To gradually drift off into a snooze, and that delicious feeling of floating away into dreamland.

I didn’t get to indulge my little addiction during the years I worked in an office (except on the weekends) – but now I work from home. All too often after lunch, the lure of the pillow is too strong and I am unable to resist. On the up side, after an hour I wake feeling refreshed and ready to tackle things again.

Miss Fleur is also partial to a daily nap or fifteen … 😉

Is being addicted to naps really such a bad thing after all? Maybe I should just accept that this is how I am, a person who needs an afternoon nap.

In the Mediterranean the afternoon siesta is part of their culture. They recognise that our bodies and minds are flagging by that time of the day, so they take a break after lunch, with many businesses closing for a couple of hours. So it’s not that I’m all that unusual, I’m just living in the wrong country!

Are you addicted to naps or is it just me?!

Linking up with My Home Truths.


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