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Awards Chatter

finalist in Women in Business Awards

If you are following my business Facebook or Instagram (and if you don’t – you should!), you’ll already know how I went in the Greater Brisbane Women in Business Awards on Friday. 

I am dying for the official photos to come out, but until then, here are a few happy snaps from the day …

With my #1 Supporter, the husbear
With Sallyanne Atkinson, Awards Ambassador and former Lord Mayor of Brisbane
With Liz Buchanan and Janelle Bostock from WNA

I’m a Finalist!

I made the finals in the Innovation and Technology category, which I am totally stoked about. While a win would have been awesome, as soon as I heard the accomplishments of the two other finalists I knew that they both deserved the win over me 😉 .

For those who follow my Middle Aged Mama Facebook account, you might have seen that earlier in the week I posted a pic of the three dresses I was considering for the big event, and asked people to guess which one I’d chosen.

While that post certainly attracted a lot of attention, it reminded me to be careful about asking for feedback … or make sure I develop a very thick skin, as the one I’d actually chosen (#1) only received one vote!

I felt a bit down after that, and ended up having a cry whinge to the husbear about it. He’s such a treasure – this is what he said: “They haven’t seen you in the green one or they’d have picked that for sure. It’s definitely one of your colours and you look beautiful in it.” (He’s a keeper!)

So why didn’t I choose the one that was the crowd favourite (#2 in pic above)?

The truth is, I *did* buy it – but I just didn’t feel it was “special” enough for the occasion, though it will be on regular rotation for client meetings, networking events etc.

My Awards Journey

But back to the actual awards!

I remember seeing them advertised and thought about entering, but none of the categories felt like a good fit for me.

So I was surprised (and delighted!) to learn that I’d been nominated by someone else, in the “Innovation and Technology” category! (Thank you Janelle from Women’s Network Australia!)

I must confess however that when I was first notified I was a bit taken aback. Innovation and Technology? Who me? Really?!

You know what? The more I thought about it, the more I realised that YES, I *am* an innovator, an entrepreneur, a pioneer. I do SEO differently, and that’s innovation – and I am proud to have gotten as far as finalist!

Writing my submission, and then preparing for the judging interview, gave me a great opportunity to reflect on my business journey, and that more than anything has been an absolute gift. (Although I did get some lovely gifts as part of my prize, including an amazing freshwater pearl bracelet from My Jewellery Shop and Alpha H skincare to name just two!).

It might be eight years since I was made redundant, but I really feel like it is early days when it comes to my business. It took me several years to find my feet, and now that I have, I know that I still have a long way to go – which is why I am totally okay with not being the winner.

Which dress would you have chosen?!

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