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Blogging: Generating Ideas

I usually blog five or six times a week here at Redland City Living, and people often ask me where I get my ideas from, and do I ever worry that I will run out?

Fortunately I’ve been writing for long enough to know that I will NEVER run out of ideas!

But, there are times when inspiration does seem to have gone AWOL. Here are just some of the ways that I entice it back:

Read the Paper

Anything from new research to an intriguing classified advertisement can get those creative juices flowing! Look for a snippet that you could develop into a full blown article idea. (The newspaper at right inspired this story on my blog, about the fact that I could count two accused murderers in my circle of acquaintances!)

Along the same lines, have a notepad and pen at your side when you watch the news, and jot down any ideas that come to you as you watch the top stories.

Tune in to the Radio

In the same vein – you’ll notice that radio, TV and print “borrow” story ideas from each other all the time.


What have you been chatting about with your friends and family lately? Listen to what they are concerned about, or what is really ticking them off. Or, sit in a coffee shop and eavesdrop!


Any function or event you attend could inspire a blog post, complete with photos. What was done well? What didn’t work? What did people wear? What was the food like? What did the guest speaker talk about? Any of these questions could be easily developed into a post.

Look at the Calendar

What anniversaries or events could you write about? Check out the Health Events calendar on your state’s health website. (Here’s the one I use, produced by Queensland Health.)

The People You Know

It’s not what you know, it’s WHO you know! A friend sings in a band, your neighbour enters and wins competitions all the time, a work colleague volunteers with the Disabled Surfers Association. Chat to them and then share their story on your blog (ask their permission first though!).


When visiting other people’s blogs, you will occasionally find yourself typing a great big long comment. Save it and turn it into a post for your own blog!


Sometimes it’s good to get away from the computer. Give yourself permission to daydream! Sitting outside in the sunshine with a notepad and pen and just letting your mind wander can be a great way to let ideas find you – write them down and keep the list so you’re never short of ideas again!

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