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Burn for you …

Blister on my finger
What do you mean, you can’t see the blister on my finger?! You’re just not looking hard enough! 😉

I hope y’all appreciate my dedication – I am typing this with a very painful blister on my index finger. Ouch!

For the last couple of hours I’ve been watching telly clutching an ice pack, after I accidentally touched the oven when checking on dinner. Stupid, stupid, stupid – I have a bad track record when it comes to burning or cutting myself while cooking …

The first time we invited the outlaws inlaws for dinner after our wedding, I made a roast. When I checked it with a large fork to see if it was cooked through, the fork embedded into the joint so well that as I pulled the fork out, the meat lifted too  – before dropping back into the pan of boiling hot fat, and splashing my arm.

Instead of enjoying our dinner, we ended up at the hospital to get my burns treated :-(.

Only weeks later, we once again had guests for dinner. This time, I’d steamed some veggies in the microwave and managed to scald myself with steam when I lifted the lid. No hospital trip this time – just lots of cold running water. Pretty sure I wasn’t much company that night!

In addition to my tendency to burn dinner myself, I am also a worry to have around knives and graters. If you’ve ever had shepherd’s pie at my house, I hope you enjoyed the extra protein from the bit of my finger that managed to get grated in with the carrot!

Hubster says he can’t bear to watch me cutting or slicing in the kitchen, because he knows all too often it will all end in tears and/or blood. Still it hasn’t worried him enough to take over all the cooking duties yet though (Curses, my evil plan still hasn’t worked! Mwahahahahaha!).

Fortunately my prowess in the kitchen has improved somewhat over the years … but as tonight’s blister proves, it doesn’t pay to get to complacent!

Are you an accident waiting to happen in the kitchen, or is it just me?!

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