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Can Probiotics Make You Sick?

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In the lead up to travelling to Nusa Dua in Bali last month, I was quite worried about our holiday being ruined by an upset stomach.

You see, I’ve fallen victim to Bali belly before – even though I’d never actually been to Bali!

In 2009 I went to the Philippines for a conference; the plan was that I would go sight seeing in the day or two after the conference, before my flight home.

Before I got sick …

Except … I was doubled over in pain instead, and needed to be within close reach of a bathroom at all times!

The infamous traveller’s tummy had struck. I’m not sure what I blame it on – brushing my teeth with tap water, or eating salad, perhaps. (Isn’t salad supposed to be GOOD for you?!)

All I know is that it took me a good two weeks to fully recover, and I definitely did not want a repeat experience!

So we started taking probiotics in the month before we left, in the hope that it would boost the health of our digestive systems.

Can Probiotics make you Sick?

By day 4 of taking them, I was feeling decidedly ordinary. This also just happened to be Christmas Day, so I blamed my dodgy tummy that evening on over-indulging at lunch.

However, the symptoms continued for several days, despite the fact I was now eating a very bland diet.

I’m a bit of a slow learner, but finally I realised what was going on. I felt just as bad as I had in Manila! So I searched online: Can probiotics make you sick?!

The short answer is: Yes. Yes they can.

I have since discovered that it is a good idea to introduce them slowly … and also, that these unpleasant side effects usually pass after a couple of weeks (if you can wait that long).

However, I was in so much discomfort I stopped taking them – and from then on I quickly recovered.

I don’t like to think about the fact my gut health must be pretty bad, if taking a course of probiotics – good bacteria – really upset it.

It’s probably something I should look into now we are back and everything has settled down again but … I still haven’t worked myself up to it.

My advice, if you *are* going to take probiotics? Make sure you start them at least a month beforehand so if they do make you sick, you can stop taking them and get better before your actual holiday!

Have you ever taken probiotics – and if so did they make you sick?!

For further reading: I found this post about the adverse effects of probiotics most helpful.
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