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A Rant about Cheeky Clients

When I describe myself as a “bit cheeky”, what I’m saying is that I am a playful person, and that I can see the lighter side of life.

A big cheeky smile …

I’ve been told many a time that I have a cheeky smile or a cheeky grin. In fact just this week a new subscriber to my business website said they liked the “cheeky photo” at the bottom of my email newsletter! (Interested? You can sign up for the Front Page Web Writing monthly newsletter here.)

Do you think this is a cheeky photo?!

I know a lot about being cheeky. After all, “Cheeky” was the name of the penpal newsletter I started with a friend back in year 9!

However, there is a whole ‘nother side to the word “cheeky” – where it translates as:

I’ve been astonished at how many times I’ve had to deal with cheeky clients since starting my own business. Maybe it really only becomes noticeable when you have your own business, rather than working as an employee – because it becomes personal.

Now THIS is a cheeky photo! And just for the record, I’m fully clothed, wearing shorts and a strapless top …

The Most Common Cheeky Clients

So cheeky clients? Yeah, I’ve had a few of them. Here are some of the more common scenarios I’ve encountered over my six years in business:

How I think we’d all like to respond to cheeky clients!

Clients that Make you go Hmmm …

Now I’m not going to name and shame anybody, but if you thought the previous examples were bad, just wait, there’s more!

Are you shaking your head in disbelief? I know I am just looking back on these stories!

Apparently it’s not just copywriters that encounter cheeky clients. My favourite hairdresser told me that she sometimes get customers who supervise every strand she snips from their head – so she ends up saying “I’ll just give you the scissors then shall I?”. While it might be said in jest, it usually gets the point across!

No matter what the industry, I’m sure we all come across the odd customer who is “not backwards in coming forwards”.

If there’s one upside of cheeky clients, it’s that they really make you appreciate the wonderful customers who really value your knowledge, skills and experience, and the work that you do for them!

Got a story of your own about cheeky clients? Feel free to share it in the comments below!

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