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Choosing My One Little Word for 2020: UPDATED!

Six weeks into 2020, and I still haven’t chosen my word for the year!

This is my third year of jumping on the “one little word” bandwagon.

In 2018, I chose “breathe” and it is a word that has stayed with me ever since – it’s amazing how often I need to stop and remind myself to take a moment and inhale deeply!

In 2019, I chose “colour” and it definitely made a great theme for the year, although in the end I realised that it didn’t just bring more colour into my life, but also a lot of “growth” – to the point where I wondered if that should have been my one little word instead.

In 2020? I’m just not sure. Maybe the fact that last year I started off with “colour” and changed to “growth” has made me nervous of not getting it right. I definitely have the sort of personality that likes to be sure before taking a leap! And yet … so what if I change it, or even get it totally wrong? It wasn’t the end of the world when it happened last year, in fact, wasn’t it a good thing that I ended up with so much more?!

A few words have been competing in my head for their chance in the spotlight: “thrive”, “breakthrough”, “clarity”, “bloom”, “more”, “prosperity”, “blossom”, “abundance” and “soar”.

There’s clearly a bit of a theme happening – yet I still haven’t been able to commit to just one little word for 2020.

You know I write this blog for myself as much as for you dear reader, as it helps me to sort through my thoughts.  And in the act of writing today it has become clear to me that in 2020, my one little word is:


What does breakthrough mean to you?

To me, breakthrough is about what’s possible, and moves beyond what’s expected and what has been in the past. It’s about overcoming obstacles, reaching new levels. The pieces are in place, a lot of the foundations have been built, habits have been formed. It’s when the stars align and things finally come to fruition!

Some of the dictionary definitions are equally inspiring:

  • a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development.
  • achieving success in a particular sphere or activity.
  • an act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction.
  • an amazing discovery or a huge amount of progress.
  • highly significant or dramatic invention or improvement in performance, achieved through consistent, focused, and synergic efforts.

Breakthrough can apply to so many different spheres of life: personally, professionally, spiritually, financially …

Breakthrough seems particularly meaningful, because over the years I’ve overcome many obstacles (being raised by a woman with severe mental health issues, homelessness, redundancy, PTSD); set free from many of the things that have tried to hold me back. I’ve put in the hard yards, and seen steady, patient growth …. but now I’m ready to BREAKTHROUGH to new heights!

I’ve set my sails, and am ready to soar.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on “breakthrough” – and what one little word YOU have chosen for 2020!

UPDATE 13.02.20

They say it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind … and change my mind I have.

Although “breakthrough” is still incredibly meaningful to me, upon further reflection I have decided to embrace “BLOSSOM” as my one little word for 2020.


To be honest, this was the very first word that came into my head when I started mulling things over, but for some reason I resisted (a therapist could have a field day with that I’m sure!).

Upon reading Denise’s lovely comments below, I am encouraged to stick with my original plan, to BLOSSOM this year – for the reasons she mentioned:

I think it’s similar to “Breakthrough”, but it has a soft, lovely sound and feeling …I feel, through your posts, that you are just ready to bloom!

Blossom is a tad gentler than breakthrough, which I like. To me it also introduces ideas of maturity, beauty, and things happening naturally in the fullness of time – there’s nothing forced about it.

Here’s to a great year of blossoming, wisdom and beginnings!

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