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Don’t Diss Dairy!

dont diss dairy products
This post is in collaboration with Aussie Farmers Direct.

I’m a big fan of dairy products; I would really struggle is I had to eliminate all dairy from my diet.

Luckily, I don’t have to!

Many people mistakenly think that avoiding dairy can benefit your health. But in fact, I spoke to a nutritionist a while ago and found out that it’s quite the opposite!

Regularly eating dairy foods, such as cheese, milk and yoghurt, can actually help you feel better, live longer and even lose weight. (Though you won’t find me eating yoghurt any time soon – it’s the one dairy product I can’t stand!)

I had to share my findings – so no more dissing dairy products, mmmm-kay?!

1. Reduced risk of high blood pressure

High blood pressure affects one in five Aussie adults, meaning far too many of us are at risk of kidney disease, heart disease and stroke.

But don’t worry, dairy could be our lifesaver! Studies show that three daily servings of dairy can reduce our risk of hypertension and lower our blood pressure. It is said that the protein and minerals found in dairy like calcium and potassium could be the reason for keeping our blood pressure down.

I can’t say if that’s true or not, but it sounds good to me … I do love a dollop of sour cream on my spuds!

2. Decreased risk of dental cavities and erosion

I don’t know about you, but I loathe the dentist (no offence Dr A – you’re actually a really nice bloke) – so do my best to keep my teeth cavity-free.

Miss Almost 20 took this pic on my last visit to the dentist … ahem, a couple of years ago …

Move over apples – the Australian Dental Association recommends eating a small piece of hard cheese after consuming sugary foods and drinks, as hard cheese is linked to a decreased risk of dental cavities, tooth decay and erosion.

This was music to my ears – now I never have to feel guilty about buying a cheese platter from Aussie Farmers Direct!

3. Increases your intake of good bacteria (probiotics)

We’ve all seen the ads – having a balance of good and bad bacteria in our digestive system is really important for our overall health.

But you don’t need to buy supplements if you just eat a balanced diet. Good bacteria (or “probiotics”) can be found in heaps of dairy products, and especially in yoghurt (I’m really beginning to wish I actually liked the stuff now!) – and also benefits your immune system and even your mental health, not just your digestion!

Hubster and the kids always make a big fuss of how yummy yoghurt is, and how it’s the ideal snack or dessert or breakfast or … but I’m still not convinced.

4. Great source of vitamin D

We all know that dairy foods contain calcium, which is great for our bones and teeth.

But what you might not know is that dairy is also packed with vitamin D, which allows the calcium to be better absorbed and distributed throughout our bodies.

A deficiency of vitamin D can lead to low calcium absorption, which can result in softening of the bones – often a problem as we grow older. Nutrition surveys show that most people do not get the calcium they need to grow and maintain healthy bones, so it’s vital that you don’t skip your daily intake of dairy!

Dem bones dem bones dem, dry bones … anybody else remember that song?!

5. Eases symptoms of PMS

If you suffer from PMS (thankfully that’s all behind me now!), then you need to start chowing down on some cheddar, camembert or chevre.

Cheese is high in riboflavin (aka vitamin B2), and it’s been proven that boosting your intake of foods rich in vitamin B can significantly lower the odds of suffering from PMS. So ladies, go buy yourself some cheese online and banish those monthly mood swings and cramps!

It seems nearly everything we eat these days is bad for us – I know that I for one was delighted to find out that dairy is not one of them!

Do you hate yoghurt too? What’s your favourite way to include dairy in your diet?

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