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Europe Trip 2015: How the Kids Coped Without Us

A few of you have asked how the kids coped without us last month, while we were off cruising the Mediterranean.

Mr 21 says he loved “batching”! (Mind you, I had to explain what batching meant 😉 ).

Turns out, he’s quite the obsessive housekeeper – the house was absolutely immaculate when we got home – much to my surprise!

It seems Mr 21 took a great deal of pride in making sure that everything was just so. To the point where he not only re-arranged the pantry to his satisfaction (see pic below), he also changed the ornaments on display to ones that were more to his taste. Thank goodness I took photos for my #shelfstyle post before we left, or I would never have remembered how to put things back the way *I* wanted them!

Let’s just say it’s not normally this tidy …

I think he missed us though – the first couple of nights after we got back, he would come out and watch TV with us (almost unheard of) and lay his head in my lap so I could stroke his hair/back 😉 .

He also admitted that he really needs to learn how to cook and I’ve already given him a few lessons since we’ve been back. Of course I tried many times over the years but he was never interested until now! Below is the chicken satay he made recently …

Miss 18 dropped in regularly and she thinks Mr 21 was lonely, as he talked her ears off whenever she visited. She was also the one that made sure he ate something slightly more substantial than toast and takeaways 😉 .

As for our fur kid, the precious Miss Fleur? Apparently she drove Mr 21 to distraction with her constant demands for love, food and attention (not necessarily in that order)! Being an indoor kitty, Fleur relies on her hoomans heavily for entertainment and when two of us are missing from the equation, it does put a lot of responsibility on the one still at home. Mr 21 took to playing with hubster’s laser rule every day purely so the kitty could chase the red dot round the house!

We wondered how Fleur would treat us when we arrived home after a four week absence – would she snob us off entirely or be all over us?! (When we travelled Australia in 2001 some friends housesat and looked after our cat – when we got back after 6 months she came running as soon as she heard us, and gave us lots of cuddles and love – which was a bit of a surprise!).

However Fleur-Bee lived up to her kitty reputation and totally ignored the hubster and I when we walked in the door, instead rubbing up to Mr 21’s legs. She didn’t last long though – within a couple of hours it was like we’d never left. I’ve noticed though that she’s been extra cuddly since we’ve been back 😉 , so I’m not unhappy with that.

How do your pets and kids cope without you if you go away?!

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