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I Can’t Drink Soft Drink

Here’s one from the random facts about Janet file: I can’t drink soft drink (soda/pop for the non-Aussies amongst us).

I don’t think I’ve ever met somebody else with this problem. I know lots of people *choose* not to drink soft drink for various reasons – it’s full of sugar; it causes tooth decay; it’s bad for our bodies; it’s just empty calories; water is cheaper and much better for you!

But that’s not why I can’t drink soft drink.

Why I Can’t Drink Soft Drink

I just can’t stand the fizziness (or frizziness as I used to say when I was a little girl!). It hurts my mouth!

In fact, I have never downed a whole can of soft drink in my whole life. I can manage a mouthful or maybe two, but to drink a glass is well nigh impossible for me – unless it’s very nearly flat.

I must have super sensitive taste buds, because I can’t stand anything spicy either. No matter how awesome it tastes (like a Thai green curry), I can’t stand the pain.

And if I do happen to drink soft drink (because there’s no other choice), chances are I will end up with extreme tummy pains (aka wind – sorry if that’s TMI!).

About the only way I can drink it, is if I add just a small amount of lemonade or cola to a glass of cordial. Then I can enjoy a glass of refreshing – very watered down – fizz!

Over the years, it *has* made me feel like a bit of a social leper, particularly in the days before drinking coffee became trendy. It’s almost as un-Australian as hating seafood!

So never mind the fact that I can’t handle alcohol (one sip and I come over all giggly) – it seems I can’t handle my soft drink either!

Am I weird or does anybody else have the same problem, and just can’t drink soft drink?!

Linking up for I Must Confess.

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