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I Hate the Word Entertaining

how to stress less this christmas

Maybe it’s the introvert in me, but I hate the word entertaining.

Entertaining (noun): showing off, flaunting your possessions to others;
trying to be posher, fancier and more superior*.

There are countless recipe books and magazine pages devoted to all things “entertaining”.

Nine out of ten property ads** boast about how the house layout or outdoor area is perfect for “entertaining”.

Fashion, food, furniture, and household items are advertised as being just what you need when “entertaining”.

“My house is better than yours so Nerrrrr”

You know the feeling you get when somebody drags their nails down a blackboard? That’s what hearing the word “entertaining” does to me.

Now don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against having people over for a meal or whatever. There’s nothing like good company and good food!

Now this is more like it!

But … don’t call it “entertaining”, because that to me is less about the company, and enjoying time together, and more about showing off, putting on a display, one upmanship, competition, being fake.

Some people pick on social media such as Facebook and Instagram, for only ever showing the “best of” – being the “highlight reel” of people’s lives. While social media may be new, the concept isn’t: ever since the first caveman held a BBQ to show off his latest wall paintings, entertaining has been about presenting a glitzier, more glamourous portrayal of ourselves, designed to inspire envy in others.

Of course we hear it bandied around even more at this time of year; with the Christmas holidays looming, many of us will catch up with friends and family.

Just don’t call it entertaining.

Do you share my gripe about entertaining? Or is there another word that sets your teeth on edge?!

*Okay I may have made up this definition

**And this statistic 😉

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