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I Make Things Look Easy!

My super power: I make things look easyApparently I have a super power: I make things look easy. Seriously!

When I got a job as a library assistant, I was astounded by how many people told me they wanted to get a job there too (like library jobs just grow on trees, don’t ya know?!).

Like I said, I must make things look easy because trust me, working in a library is anything BUT curling up in a quiet corner with a good book – check out my post “Confessions of a Library Assistant” to find out what it’s really like!

As Easy as Writing a Book …

I’ve written and published two books – “Clues to your Calling” in 2003, and “Decadence” in 2008, a book marking the 10th anniversary of Footprints magazine (which I founded and produced for 15 years).

I have been gob-smacked over the years by the number of folk who, once they have learned this, then promptly tell me that they want to write a book too. You know, like it’s something you can just whip up in a couple of hours …  I must make things look easy!

And now I’m a blogger, and it seems every man and his dog now wants to start their own blog, because you know … I make things look easy!

While I fully encourage anybody to start a blog (or write a book, or get a job in a library, or whatever), comments like these sometimes get under my skin, mainly because the speaker usually has absolutely NO idea about the amount of blood, sweat and tears work, determination, research, study, drive, networking, time, and energy are required to actually make a go of it.

All I can think is that I should take it as a massive compliment – because I must make things look easy!

What’s YOUR super power?!

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