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I Must Confess: I use Hubby’s Electric Shaver

It’s not what you’re thinking – I use hubby’s electric shaver ON MY LEGS people!

If only there was an electric shaver for women

I really don’t recommend this …

There are some women who really struggle with extreme itching on their legs after shaving – and I am one of them 🙁 .

I’ve tried lots of things over the years – depilatory creams, mitts, waxing, making sure I had a new razor, moisturising, shaving in a certain direction, shaving cream or conditioner on my legs, taking antihistamine tablets, applying alcohol or tea tree oil or heaven knows what else to stop the itch, standing on my head afterwards (no hang on, that’s to help in falling pregnant!) …

When I shave my legs with a razor, within 24 – 48 hours I will get SO ITCHY that I cannot stop scratching – until I literally draw blood, which is just so attractive. NOT. Scabby legs, mmm-mmm.

I can’t sleep at night from the itch – or I scratch in my sleep. I drive my hubster crazy by scratching while we’re trying to relax and watch TV. It’s such an unconscious thing, half the time I don’t even realise I’m doing it until it annoys him!

Using a razor just leads to itching and agony for me …

Possible Causes of the Unbearable Itch

I’ve been researching the problem of unbearably itch legs after shaving, and haven’t come up with any definitive reasons or solutions for that matter. It could be caused by any or all of the following:

So for the last ten years (or more!) I have taken to using the hubster’s electric shaver on my legs. Thankfully he is okay with this 🙂 .

It doesn’t give a nice smooth shave like a razor, but it’s good enough for me, and most of the time I’m not bothered by itching calves. (I will add here, that I have only ever shaved up as far as my knees as my hair is pale blonde and practically invisible on my thighs!).

Funnily enough, I use a razor under my arms and although I get some mild itching occasionally, it is usually okay. It’s just my legs that are the problem!

So if you too suffer from the agony of unbearably itchy legs after shaving, try borrowing your hubby’s electric shaver – or just buy one for yourself, which is what I really must do one of these days (hey Mr Remington I hope you are paying attention, I’d even give a free review!).

Using hubby’s electric shaver as a microphone …

Do you have any other ideas that I can try, to avoid the horrible post-shave itch?

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