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The Dangers of Moisturising

is moisturising bad for skin
I love this moisturiser, but learned the hard way that I need to be a bit more careful when applying it …

I’ve never really bothered with moisturise – because I thought moisturising was bad for my skin.

After all, my skin has always been so oily I really didn’t feel it needed it.

Now I’m in my late 40’s, I’ve been finding that the skin I know so well is no longer so familiar!

My oily t-zone has settled right down, thank goodness.

Middle Aged Skin

But what I didn’t realise, is that the skin on the edges of my face is a lot dryer as well.

And do you know what happens when your skin gets dry?

It compensates by producing more oil, resulting in blocked pores and breakouts. All of a sudden, I had pimples along the edges of my face.

A beautician friend of mine explained what was happening, and said that it was time I rethought my theory of moisturiser being bad for my skin, and start using it daily.

So I did.

It really seemed to work! I was further convinced of the benefits of moisturising when we went up north for a week, and I forgot to take my moisturiser. Yep, you guessed it, the zits were back.

Without hesitation, I re-introduced moisturiser into my beauty routine.

Then I got sick with a horrible cold. And overnight, one of my eyes puffed up and swelled almost shut. It wasn’t painful, thankfully, but was scary enough to have me trotting off to my doctor.

The good news was, the eye itself was fine. The doctor guessed that it was possibly an insect bite or something had blocked my tear duct.

My eyelid puffed up so much, I could barely see!

Over the next couple of days the swelling went down … and I forgot about it.

When Moisturiser is Bad for your Skin!

Until Miss 17 (the household guru on all things makeup and beauty related) came to me and said that she had just read on the internet about a girl who got moisturiser in her tear duct, causing her eyelid to puff right up!

Suddenly it clicked.

Why did nobody warn me about the dangers of moisturising?

I must have been a bit too slap happy, when I was applying it near the delicate eye area.

Ah well, live and learn … hopefully now you will learn from my experience, and won’t have to make the same mistake!

Did you know about the dangers of moisturising?!




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