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Mild Chicken Curry with Tomatoes

If you have been looking for family meals that are simple, quick and easy to prepare – then you’ll love this mild chicken curry with tomatoes!

It’s GREAT for those nights when you just want to throw something together. Or when you have no fresh vegetables left in the crisper.

If spaghetti bolognaise is your “go to” for those nights, you might like to try this mild tomato chicken curry recipe instead! Like spaghetti, it’s a low fuss dish which can be made using staples in your pantry.

I’ve even won $50 in a competition with it, many years ago!

Mild Chicken Curry with Tomatoes Recipe



  1. Saute onion, add spices and cook 5 minutes.
  2. Add tomatoes and salt to taste, cook a further 5 minutes.
  3. Put in chicken, stir until coated in sauce.
  4. Cover and simmer approx 20 – 30 minutes (you may need to add extra water).
  5. Serve with rice or pasta.

I must confess I’m not making mild chicken curry with tomatoes here, but at least it’s a picture of me cooking! 😉

I call this mild chicken curry “Chettinaw Chicken”. It was a recipe given to me by a friend years ago, and originally called “Chettinad Chicken” I think – but I misread it and Chettinaw it has been ever since – in our family anyways!

If you want to up the vege content, you can add some diced zucchini when you pour in the tinned tomatoes.

I have made several changes to it over the last 20 years. I’m not a fan of hot and spicy, so although the original recipe called for 1 teaspoon of each of the spices, I’ve cut it back to 1/2 teaspoon and find that gives a lovely flavour (and aroma – love the smell when they are added to the pan!) without the heat. It’s such a mild chicken curry recipe, so that even the kids will like it!

It’s a firm favourite in our household, except with Miss 19 – but she’s weird that way 😉 .

What is your old faithful fall-back recipe? Is it spaghetti bolognaise, mild chicken curry, or do you have something else up your sleeve?!

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