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More Funny Search Terms

Cow photo bombSome are funny “haha” and some are funny “strange” – but all I know is that you, dear reader, found the last lot of funny search terms so entertaining, I just couldn’t resist sharing the latest batch!

1. How to apply personal lubricant. *Blushing* … Wouldn’t it just be a matter of squeezing the tube or bottle and putting it where it’s needed? Common sense peoples!

2. Why I will never be a parent. Look, I know I whinge about the kids sometimes, but I feel really bad that I’m obviously giving parenthood a bad rap!

3. Chicken bog. I’m speechless.

4. Cow photo bombing. Makes me feel like adding a disclaimer to my site: “there have been no cows or other livestock harmed in the production of this blog”.

5. Murders in the Redlands. I realise it’s referring to this post but yeah, that’s what I really want to be known for. Not. 😉

6. Best pub crawl from Redlands to Brisbane city. Again, not something I particularly want to be known for – I’m really not much of a drinker and am horrified by the ever-increasing alcohol related violence in our society.

7. Gel nails stupid. Are they stupid? I don’t know. They’re fun, they’re glamourous, they take a fair bit of maintenance, and they really wreck your nails underneath – so maybe they’re right, gel nails ARE stupid?

8. Having a bad mummy day. See #2.

9. Is my Tegan happy in heaven. Now this one is just sad 🙁 – and for the record, I hope she is.

10. How to be a successful housewife writer. This is the name of a book that completely changed my life, as I wrote here. It was first published in 1979 and I doubt it would make it out of the publisher’s slush pile of manuscripts nowadays. Yet, amazingly, people often use this as a search term … and find my blog!

Which one is your favourite from my latest list of silly search terms?!


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