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My Perfect Day

Anybody that knows me would know that my perfect day would have to include cats, chocolate and chick lit.

Take yesterday for example.

Cats, Chocolate & Chick Lit

I spent a couple of happy hours in the morning at Brisbane’s Cat Cuddle Cafe (a coffee shop with cats), and the op shop next door which is run by the Animal Rescue Support Network.

In addition to meeting cats, talking to cats, patting cats, cuddling cats, and chatting with others about cats, I have discovered that what I really love, is taking photos of cats!

Once my “cuddle time” was up I headed upstairs for coffee and a chocolate treat, before exploring the op shop.

Do What You Love

I love nothing better than having a good browse through an op shop – I love the element of not knowing just what treasures I might find! Over the years I have given a loving home to clothes, home decorator items, handbags and accessories, even cushion covers and Tupperware for a fraction of the cost of new, plus the warm fuzzy feeling that comes from supporting a worthy cause. It’s amazing the stuff you can pick up for only a few bucks – the entire outfit below is thrifted – top, shorts, shoes and necklace – but if I didn’t tell you, I’m sure you’d never be able to tell.

I came home with a bag full of goodies and was greeted at the door by my own two cats, Seth and Fleur (I have my own cat cuddle cafe at home when you think about it!).

Lunch was leftover chilli con carne – I love nothing more than leftovers for lunch. They always taste better the next day, don’t you think?

A decadent hour long nanna nap, and then I spent some time writing for the blog.

And finally, my perfect day was topped off with a family dinner. It doesn’t get much better in my book! Sure, restaurants and going out for dinner can be fun, but I love my own cooking and just spending time with my family. Miss 19 and I worked on a jigsaw puzzle, in front of the TV.

When it was time for bed, I read the first few pages of one of the books I’d bought from the op shop earlier in the day. Did I mention I love chick lit?!

A perfect day overall. Or should I say … purr-fect?!

What would your perfect day look like?

Disclosure: The good people at Uncle Toby’s shouted me to my perfect day, as part of their #dowhatyoulove campaign. It was a no-brainer for me – I love Uncle Toby’s breakfast range, and totally agree that a good breakfast is the best way to start any day!






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