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Plagued by a Middle Aged Itch

Middle Aged Itch on my arm
The only rash is the one I made by scratching. Weird!

I seem to have developed a bit of a middle aged itch.

No, it’s not like the 7 year itch or a midlife crisis – I’m perfectly happy with the hubster, and won’t be buying a sports car any time soon …

But the other night, just as I had gone to bed, my left arm began to itch.

And itch.


It was driving me crazy!

A closer inspection revealed: absolutely nothing. No bites, no bumps, no rash, no reason at all for the itch that was robbing me of my precious beauty sleep .

Remedies for a Middle Aged Itch

It might have been just a placebo, but the bandage strangely did seem to soothe that annoying itch!

It took about 3 hours in total for the itch to subside enough so that I could sleep!

I’ve never had an itch like it and I hope I never do again. Who knew that just a little itch could be so annoying?!

Further research today revealed that an unbearable itch in one place (a “hotspot”) is a common symptom of menopause / peri-menopause – now that’s one I hadn’t heard of before!

However, just to be on the safe side, I have also booked in for a mole scan as yes, an itchy spot like this is sometimes associated with skin cancer. As the hubster just had a BCC cut out of his shoulder, it doesn’t pay to be complacent!

Have you ever been plagued by an itch that just wouldn’t quit?! Got any good home remedies I can try if it happens again?

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