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The Problem with Office Gift Collections

bear's birthday treat
This post is in collaboration with Group Together.

There is one thing that I really don’t miss from my working-in-an-office days.

The constant collections (although it must be said, I do miss the morning teas!).

It felt like there was always somebody doing the rounds with a card and big envelope, collecting for a gift to recognise a colleague’s:

Actually I tell a lie.

“God I can’t wait to get out of here!”

As the admin officer for the section, it was ME doing the rounds when it came to office gift collections.

The Problem with Office Gift Collections

And what a pain in the butt it was! On top of all my regular duties, I felt like I was constantly hassling people to hand over money. When people saw me, I’m sure they thought: “Oh no! Here she comes again!”

Then there was the awkward fact that nobody ever seemed to actually have any money on them.

Plus, the struggle to try and keep everything hidden from the person we were actually collecting for!

“What a surprise! It’s not as if I didn’t see the big
envelope lurking around the office all week …”

Then there were the times when the group collection seemed so pitiful, I couldn’t help but throw a bit (okay a lot) more in, so that we could actually buy a worthwhile gift. Maybe I just have a soft heart, but I always seemed to end up out of pocket –  not to mention all the time I wasted.

In fact, the hubster reckons this was my undoing, and why I eventually was made redundant – the boss figured that if organising gift collections was all I did, then surely my position was expendable?!

And of course you can guess what happened when it was MY turn to be on the receiving end 🙁 .

Luckily I don’t have to worry about this sort of stuff now I work from home.

Office Gift Collections Made Easy

But if I did – then the Group Together website would be an absolute godsend.

Group Together is the brainchild of two Sydney mums, and makes it painless to organise office gift collections. It’s also ideal for things like teacher’s presents – imagine being able to give something really special from the whole class, instead of 25 useless trinkets (no more bath cubes, hurrah!).

The beauty of the Group Together website is that it takes less than 5 minutes to set up – and that’s it. All the inviting, reminding, collecting, tracking, and even the transferring of money is done for you.

Here’s one I prepared earlier …

Some of the features of the Group Together website which I particularly liked included:

In fact, I think it’s such a great idea, and so simple to use, I’m off to set up a group collection right now for my 50th birthday (5 months away, and counting!).

Just think – if each of my family, friends, and followers put in a buck, I might even manage that overseas trip after all! Or a ferry trip to Coochiemudlo Island anyway … 😉

Office gift collections – do you love them or hate them?!






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