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Professional Writer Fails English!

I’ve always loved writing; these days, it’s how I make my living.

I found my first penpal and began writing letters at age 10; I chose to study Creative Writing when I was at teacher’s college.

Writing for Publication

I’ve been writing for publication for about 20 years now.

I still remember the thrill of discovering that not only did I love to write – but that I could actually get paid for it! Over the years I’ve developed an impressive portfolio, with dozens of articles published in magazines such as For Me (anybody else remember it?!), Christian Woman, Grass Roots, Caravan and Motorhome, Gold Coast Weddings, Signs of the Times, Horses and People, and Writing Australia.

I’ve had press releases, photos and stories in New Idea, Take 5, That’s Life and my local paper.

My work has been included in six anthologies (and counting).

I edited a magazine for 15 years, have written one book, and co-edited another.

So when Mr 21 was still at high school, he came to me for assistance with writing a newspaper article for senior English. I practically wrote the damn thing for him gave him plenty of guidance, and we waited with anticipation to find out his mark.

Professional Writer Fails English!

We were both truly devastated to learn we had received a C minus! (Of course, he has never let me live it down!)

How is it that a professional writer fails English?!

Was this poor mark a result of a teacher with no “real world experience” – and no clue about what is actually involved in writing for publication?

Maybe she was having a bad day?

Or was it because of the personality clash between Mr 21 and his teacher (actually, between most of the students and this particular teacher, from what we heard!)?

Between Years 11 and 12 our son begged to be allowed to change classes and teachers, but we discouraged it. At some point we all have to work with teachers, bosses and colleagues that we don’t necessarily get along with; we felt our son would learn important life lessons by sticking it out.

How is it even possible that I, a professional writer and trained teacher, even with my coaching, Mr 21 only managed a C minus on this assignment?! It’s certainly left us scratching our heads as to how a professional writer fails English!

Have you had any experiences like this with your kids? What would you blame the poor result on?!

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