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Scooters, Gophers and Granny Mobiles

I’ve heard them called all three – hopefully you know what I’m talking about, but just in case here’s a pic:

Needless to say – they’re dangerous!

Nearly everybody you speak to has a story to tell of a close call with one …

Close Call #1

When Mr 27 was a lot smaller, we walked out of Cash Converters back in the days when it was still on the outside of Capalaba Park Shopping Centre. The doors swung inwards, and as he went to step outside he was nearly bowled over by a granny mobile going WAY. TOO. FAST.

Close Call #2

Another time, I copped a fist shaking and an earful of abuse.

I’d pulled into the driveway to drop one of Miss 24’s friends home. As I slowly reversed out – checking carefully behind me as I went – I narrowly missed hitting a grandpa mobile. The thing is, there was a car parked on either side of the driveway and I honestly didn’t see scooter man as he hooted down the road.  Despite the fact that there was a perfectly good footpath (yes, it WAS wide enough) he was ON THE ROAD – and therefore I couldn’t see him. So why was I the one who copped an earful?!

Should there be a driving test before letting just anybody loose on a gopher?

Our local Council and seniors organisations have run a few Scooter Safety courses in recent years. But my fear is that until they are made compulsory, the people who REALLY need it probably won’t attend!

Please understand, I’m NOT senior bashing (I’m not too far away from being a senior myself). That’s just as bad as folk who see the occasional teenager engaging in anti-social or destructive behaviour, and condemn ALL young people.

It’s like any age group – there are always going to be those who do the wrong thing.

 Have you had a close encounter with a scooter, gopher or granny mobile?!

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