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Smoking Vs Farting: both anti-social habits

When it comes to anti-social habits, smoking pretty much tops the list.

It’s expensive, it ruins your health, it ages your complexion – beats me why anybody would take it up in the first place.

Please don’t breathe your dirty, smelly, foul, toxic-chemical laden air on me …

When I first worked in an office nearly 30 years ago, it was in a call centre with a number of chain smokers. By the end of the day my hair and clothes reeked; I had to shower as soon as I got home. Heaven only knows what it did to my lungs!

Over the years, the restrictions on smoking in public places have gotten tighter and thankfully passive smoking – whether at work, shops, or outside schools – is almost a thing of the past.

It’s amazing though how often I get caught in smoke drift still when I am out and about – whether at the beach, going for a walk, or even in my own home.

You see, my neighbours like to smoke out on their pergola. (It’s a rental, so maybe they’re not allowed to smoke indoors?) But as a result, as soon as I set foot outside my front door – even just to check the letter box – I am assailed by smoke.

The pergola is right next to our bedroom and my office; I can’t open the windows without being stunk out. Being a rental property, there is a frequent turnover in tenants so I’m hoping that they will be moving on soon.

Just this week I heard there were moves afoot to ban smoking on unit balconies. Considering my own experiences – I say: bring it on! And why limit it to apartments and units?

Current Premier Campbell Newman is not a fan of the proposed balcony smoking ban. (Obviously he lives in a McMansion with a huge yard if he doesn’t think it’s a problem … unlike the rest of us mere mortals who live in units or houses on teeny blocks).

Others say it would be difficult to enforce.

So for the moment I still have to put up with dirty, smelly, foul, toxic-chemical laden air from another person’s body drifting straight into my lungs.

All I can say is: imagine the outcry if I went up to somebody and proceeded to fart in their face.

Seems I’m not the first to compare smoking to farting …

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Just like blowing smoke their way, it’s dirty, smelly, foul, toxic-chemical laden air from another person’s body – yet I doubt it would damage their lungs like cigarettes can!

So what’s the difference?!

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