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Summing Up 25 years of marriage

Today the hubster and I celebrate 25 years of marriage – our silver wedding anniversary!

My favourite pic from our wedding day

In some ways, it feels like we’ve been together forever; in others, it feels like just yesterday that we got married.

We put our heads together and came up with following, as our attempt at summing up the last 25 years of marriage …

25 Years of Marriage:

  1. Wedding / engagement ring
  2. Kids
  3. Houses we’ve bought together
  4. Bedrooms in our house / motorbikes the hubster has owned / number of cruises (including current trip on the Mediterranean!)
  5. Pet cats / diamonds in my eternity ring / houses we’ve lived in
  6. Months travelling Australia with our caravan, back in 2001
  7. Cars we’ve had in that time / seasons of Star Trek: Next Generation that we own
  8. The street number of the house we lived in as newlyweds / $ per head we paid for drinks at our wedding reception
  9. The number of years we had our pet cockatiel, Buddy / how many years I worked in Council before I was made redundant
  10. The number I count to when … !!! / preferred number of sleep hours per day 😉
  11. AM – the time of our wedding ceremony / years hubster spent in his first government job
  12. Months per year that I try to be positive / degrees incline on my treadmill / size in inches of our first TV (black and white)!
  13. Years until retirement (according to the hubster, anyways!) / framed photos of family members on display in our home
  14. Nieces and nephews between us
  15. Our first cat, Chloe, lived until she was 15
  16. mHz speed of the 286 PC we proudly bought in 1997 to surf the net
  17. Inch mag wheels on my Toyota Camry / magnets (mostly souvenir) on our fridge
  18. The age of our daughter
  19. Years the hubster has been with his current employer
  20. Years we have been going to our church / I’ve had my eternity ring / $ per head we paid for meals at our wedding reception
  21. The age of our son (well technically he’s still 20, turns 21 next week!); years since our house was broken into and several items of jewellery was stolen (while I was in hospital after having our son)
  22. Thousand kilometres we travelled during our epic caravanning adventure in 2001
  23. Glazed pots in the garden
  24. Degrees – the temperature our air conditioner is set at
  25. Years of marriage 🙂

It was a bit tricky but we are pretty proud of our efforts at summing up 25 years of marriage!

Tell me – did any of these give you a laugh – or do we have any in common?!

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