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Swastika Jewellery

Is the swastika making a comeback?!

The hubster and I felt more than a little horrified to notice a number of swastika symbols during our recent trip to Europe.

It’s just not something we’re accustomed to seeing. After all, the swastika is the symbol of the Nazis and all the horrors they wrought during the Second World War!

So we were quite shocked to not only notice people sporting swastika tattoos, but also swastika jewellery, being worn by “normal”, middle aged men and women like ourselves.

While browsing in an upmarket jewellery store in Mallorca, we were flabberghasted to see a range of expensive swastika pendants and bracelets on display. This wasn’t the steel and spike jewellery a punk would wear – these were dainty, feminine and expensive designs! What on earth could it mean?!

Upon our return home, I was sufficiently intrigued to look into it, and here’s what I discovered.

The swastika symbol has a history that dates back thousands of years before Nazi Germany. Traditionally, it was a symbol of good luck in eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, and the design has been around since Neolithic times – appearing during the Bronze and Iron Ages, across Asia, as well as in Celtic, Ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Who knew?!

Can you spot the swastika on the statues above – or on the temple below?

Still, I must confess I won’t be wearing a swastika anytime soon; to me, it has been forever tainted, and now simply represents incredible evil.

Would you wear swastika jewellery?!

Linking up with My Home Truths.

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