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Talking About First Dates

school holidays when the kids are grown

How old were you when you went on your first date?!

Me, aged 13

When I was growing up, the rule was that we couldn’t go on a date until we reached the age of 16.

But as we all know, what parents decree and what actually happens often turn out to be two different things.

I had a few boyfriends from about the age of 12 – not that my parents knew about it! We didn’t go out on dates; we saw each other at school (and if you were really lucky, we actually talked to each other, LOL) or occasionally met up at skating or the school fete, along with a group of friends.

My First Date

My first official date was when I was 15 1/2 – we went to the museum on the school holidays. Riveting stuff I know!

How quickly the years passed, and suddenly I was the parent confronting the reality of my kids reaching dating age …

When Do Kids Reach Dating Age?

Mr 21 had only just started high school, when he announced that he had asked his girlfriend to go to the movies. Um, excuse me?!! What girlfriend?!

As he was only 12 at the time, this was definitely not something we were prepared for!

Our kids are about 12 and 10 in this pic

After much discussion – including a phone call to check with the girl’s parents – we agreed to take the kids to the movies.

Being a typical male, Mr 21 didn’t say much afterwards. I couldn’t help wondering how HE thought his first date went?

Eventually we learned that for some reason – not surprising when you consider TV, movies etc – our son thought that now he was in high school, he was “supposed” to start dating. Thankfully, the actual experience made him realise that he really was NOT ready just yet. (Which is exactly what we were hoping would happen!)

I would never have imagined that I would allow my 12 year old (son OR daughter) to go on a date. But kids have a habit of being their own people, not necessarily following our plans and expectations, and as parents we have to be prepared to deal with things as they arise.

He was 17 before he decided it was time for another girlfriend!

Mr 17 took his girlfriend to Movieworld

As for Miss 19, I think she pretty much followed in her mother’s footsteps 😉 . I knew she had boyfriends from early on, although she was 15 before she asked – and was allowed – to go out on dates.

Miss 19’s senior formal

Is it just me, or do kids seem to become conscious of the opposite sex from a much younger age these days? Heaven only knows how old my grandchildren will be when they go on their first date! I just hope they are out of nappies 😉 .

What did you do on your first date? And is there a certain age in your family when children are allowed to start dating?!

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