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Stupid Bathroom Trends

stupid bathroom trends

Not all that long ago, I went on a weekend retreat with a bunch of gal friends, and we stayed in a magnificent waterfront home.

It was an AMAZING house, however, there was one thing I thought was pretty stupid: the ensuite to the master bedroom. That’s it, behind the silver swirly wall below. Note that there is no door to close it off!

My first thought is that it would be less than ideal to have the steam and condensation flowing freely into the bedroom area – it’s a recipe for mould.

However, the piece de resistance is the loo. In an OPEN ensuite bathroom which has no doors AND clear glass walls! Poo with a view anyone?!

Now I don’t know about you, but personally I prefer a little privacy when I need to do my business.

And much as I love the husbear, I really DON’T want to see him perched on the throne every morning first thing. It would put me right off my cereal!

Here are some other stupid bathroom trends I’ve noticed when visiting display homes recently:

While we would love to renovate the bathrooms in our house – these are some of the stupid bathroom ideas that we definitely won’t be implementing!

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