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Those Annoying Cold and Flu Ads

I Must Confess: I’ve got a bit of a bee in my bonnet today.

Being the middle of winter, our TV screens are awash with snot ads for cold and flu medications. Which is fine.

What is NOT fine, is how so many of them feature people full of cold and flu, insisting on going to work and socialising as per normal.

We see people in the office despite a sore throat that “feels like razor blades” – because with no symptoms thanks to the advertised medication, nobody will realise just WHO they picked up that horrible sore throat bug from!

Or there’s the dedicated teacher, passing on knowledge and the influenza virus in one fell swoop to her twenty-five students – and their families. Way to go!

Another one heads off to a birthday party – because the best present you can give somebody on their birthday is a cold. Not.

No wonder those annoying cold and flu ads make me sick!

Actually, I’m one of the lucky ones – I work from home so don’t tend to come in contact with germy colleagues too often (I’d tell you that I haven’t had a cold yet this winter, but I don’t want to push my luck! Using brackets protects me – it’s just like touching wood … I hope …).

But I think it would be fair to say these ads are making everybody else sick. Literally. Think about it …

Maybe it’s all part of an evil plan! Because the more people “soldier on” when they get sick, the more germs are spread, the more the companies can sell their cold and flu medications.

Don’t be fooled; if you have cold or flu, do us all a favour and STAY HOME. You can still take cold and flu medications if you want – at least that way you might even enjoy your time off!

When was the last time you succumbed to a cold or flu?!

Linking up with My Home Truths.

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