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Top 3 Fashion Fails

On the weekend I spent a leisurely afternoon checking out all the Summer sales.

Surprisingly, despite some very good discounts (and bad intentions!), all I came home with was ONE DRESS!

I know. What’s that about?!

Okay, now that I’ve impressed you with my amazing self-control, I’ll ‘fess up.

I only bought one dress because this afternoon reminded me of the trends that tick me off!

Here are my top 3:

1. Sky high heels.

Like many gals, I love shoes!

But what I’m NOT loving at the moment is how hard it is to find attractive shoes that don’t make the wearer feel like they’re walking on stilts.

Impossibly high heels are a big no-no for our feet and posture for a start – and secondly, have you noticed that hardly anybody can actually WALK in them? Yet the shops are packed with stilettos of all shapes and sizes.

If heels aren’t your thing, there are always flatties. Don’t get me wrong – flatties are great and can look so cute!

But there’s no denying that at times a girl just needs a bit of a heel, to elongate her leg and give it a nice line, to make that satisfying “click clack” as she walks along (please tell me I’m not the only one who loves this!), to add a bit of ooomph to an outfit.

My question is: WHERE are the in-between heels and wedges? Gorgeous shoes that (heaven forbid!) are practical at the same time? Shoes with a bit of style and a bit of a heel so a girl can not only look good, she can feel good as well – all day long?

2. In between sizes.

Like the majority of women in this country, I’m a size 14. You’d think there’d be lots for me to choose from, right?! Wrong!

The “regular” fashion stores tend to stock only up to a size 14, and the bulk of their ranges seem to be in smaller sizes. (Maybe it’s because there ARE so many of us size 14’s that they disappear so quickly off the rack …?)

So I investigated some of the stores for “plus sizes”. Great styles, colours and discounts. Oh the possibilities!

But again, my plans to dash some cash were thwarted. You see, these stores cater for size 16 and up. So I miss out there too! 🙁

3. Low cut necklines.

I like my boobs. I do. But that doesn’t mean I want them on display for all to see.

Has anybody else noticed that necklines these days are verging on the indecent?

It could rule out so many fashion possiblities for me BUT I have a couple of secret weapons: a number of bandeaus and camis in black and white. They’re cheap as chips, fill in a scanty neckline, and have salvaged many an outfit for me. They’re a godsend as far as I’m concerned. I like to be stylish but I also like to feel comfortable, and for me, that means not showing ALL my cleavage.

What I did buy …

I think it could be another Everywhere Dress. Hooray! (From Katies 30% off sale – I do love me a bargain!)

Imagine …

A world where size 14 clothing was plentiful. Where we had a great range of sensible shoes that didn’t LOOK sensible (if you know what I mean). If we didn’t feel uncomfortable and exposed in the latest fashions.

Imagine …  if retailers paid heed to my pleas … I would be DANGEROUS and my husband would start to twitch any time I mentioned those immortal words, “I think I’ll just go shopping”!

What trends are ticking you off lately?


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