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Treasures of the Heart

On the outside it looks like any other filing cabinet; but it holds a secret – the bottom drawer is filled with my treasures of the heart.

There are some items in life that are just too precious to throw away. Usually they have very little monetary value; they are precious because of the memories they hold, or the people they represent. Let me take you on a sentimental journey through some of the very special treasures I keep in that bottom drawer …

I must confess: some of my treasures are nearly fifty years old, because I’ve kept them from when I was a baby! In the photo above (2) you will see the envelope with the clippings from my very first haircut. And perhaps you are wondering – why on earth would anybody treasure a scrappy old scrapbook like this one (3)?!

It’s my baby scrapbook, and inside are the newspaper announcements, baptism certificate, hospital tags and all the cards my parents received when I was born. To me, it’s a very special record that my mother did love me … once upon a time.

Which brings me to the next item – a bugs bunny tie. I found it out on the road in front of our house after the garbage truck had been; it was all covered in mud. So why on earth would I wash it and consider it a very special keepsake? You’ll have to check out my post, A Message From Heaven, for the full story!

In the background is a Valentine’s card from my very own honey hubster – the one he gave me to mark our 25th Valentine’s Day together.

As well as treasures from my parents and the hubster, I also have some sentimental keepsakes from when my own kids were babies …

A relative brought back this cute little velour outfit from Paris, when Mr 21 was a newborn. It was so smart I dressed him in it for his baptism when he was 5 weeks old; not having been raised Catholic, I didn’t realise that I’d committed a huge faux pas (how embarrassment!). Apparently we should have dressed him in white 🙁 . Ah well, a white shawl wrapped around him soon solved that problem …

My best friend since high school days came to the rescue when Miss 18 was born, making her a christening dress out of broderie anglaise.

Other items you might spy in the picture below, include a parquetry box, made by my Pop when Mr 21 was born; and the teddy is from my own childhood. My treasures also include a couple of books, about family history and similar.

If I had two minutes to grab a couple of treasures and escape from my home (for example, if there was a fire), I think my handbag and my treasures of the heart drawer and photo albums would be what I would reach for (of course, that’s only once my family and kitty were safe!).

Do you have a special drawer or chest to keep your treasures of the heart in?!

Linking up with My Home Truths.

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