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We’re Not In Enid Blyton Land Anymore

I’ve been re-reading a couple of my old childhood favourites, and have been fascinated by how much life has changed since Enid Blyton’s times.

Take the “Adventurous Four”. I picked up a copy of the edition I owned as a child, from an antique shop (yeah, let’s not go there …) and devoured it within a day. But at the same time, I picked up on many things I didn’t notice all those years ago.

For example, I never realised this book was set during the Second World War. When I claim that I have always hated “war stories” or movies, I’m actually lying. Because this was indeed a war story, and I loved it. The children stumble on a secret island base of “the enemy” – a euphemism for the Nazis. Both submarines and seaplanes would stop and refuel at this island, close to the British coast. Easy to shrug our shoulders now … but back then that was pretty much the height of technology! How exciting to see both submarines and seaplanes!

Signs We’re Not In Enid Blyton Land Anymore …

But what really got me was the freedom the young characters had.

It was a very different world back then! In Enid Blyton land:

What do you miss most about the days when you first read Enid Blyton?\

Linking up with My Home Truths.

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