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What Do You Do For a Living?

what do you do for a living

“What do you do for a living?”

It’s such a simple question, and one we all encounter frequently.

It’s one of the first things we ask when we meet somebody new.

Just seven little words.

And yet – it freaks me out!

That’s because I am not quite sure how to answer.

I started working from home at the end of 2012. Basically – I have a computer and I’m not afraid to use it! I’ve managed to bring together my love of writing and blogging, my fascination with words, experience in writing and editing, my addiction passion for social media, and my skills at building WordPress websites, to create my own business “Front Page Web Writing“.

But how on earth do I streamline all that into a couple of words?

Here are just some of the possible answers that I could use, when asked “What do you do for a living?”:

Can you see my dilemma?!

Trial and error has helped me to work out which answer is most easily understood, and seems to cover most (if not all) my bases: I just tell people I work in digital marketing.

Trouble is, when you need to fill out one of those forms that asks for your Occupation, “digital marketing” isn’t quite right. I must confess that lately, I’ve taken to calling myself a “digital marketing consultant”. Not sure if that is technically correct, but for now, it seems to do the job (pun intended).

So tell me, do you freak out when people ask you: “What do you do for a living?” And how do you respond?

Linking up with My Home Truths.


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