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What do you get a Girl for her 18th Birthday?

What to get for an 18th birthdayWhy is it birthdays always seem to sneak up on me?

Miss 17 will celebrate her long-awaited, much anticipated, 18th birthday next month. We’ve been updated on the countdown nearly every week for months – I believe it’s now only 29 days to go!

We’ve arranged a family dinner at Miss 17’s favourite restaurant on the actual night, and I believe her friends are spoiling her with a weekend in a posh city hotel.

Which brings me to my current dilemma: what do you get a girl for her 18th birthday?

Now she’s working and has her own income, Miss 17 doesn’t really lack for anything she wants or needs (except maybe a car, and I’m afraid that just ain’t gonna happen).

Plus, it needs to be something a bit special, that (hopefully) she will remember always.

Pressure, much?!

I’m leaning towards continuing a bit of a family tradition. You see, when I turned 18, my Mum gave me a lovely garnet ring (garnets being the birthstone for January) which I treasured – right up til the day Miss 17 discovered it when she was much younger, played with it, and promptly lost it. (Yes, I have forgiven her!).

I’m pretty sure Mum did the same for my two sisters (though my memory’s not so great, I will have to confirm that).

What I do know, is that my sister in turn gave a ring to her daughter for her 18th earlier this year … the first in the new generation for this family tradition.

Miss 17 likes the idea and has specified something dainty with a red stone. This was her favourite when we went shopping on the weekend:

*Big sigh of relief* from me … until the relatives began asking me what she would like.

The short answer is: I don’t know!

(The long answer is: Are you for real?! It took me months to figure out what WE would get her, how on earth can I give YOU any inspiration?!)

I’ve started making a bit of a list of possible ideas:

After that, my brain is all dried up.

Can you help me with any ideas of what to get a girl for her 18th birthday?!

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