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What Gives Me Writer’s Block

birthday cards give me writer's block!

Any writer or blogger will be familiar with the dreaded writer’s block.

It’s something I don’t normally have a problem with, as I explained in this post about where my ideas come from.

Over the years I’ve written newsletters, magazine articles, letters to the editor, recipes, short stories, quizzes, assignments, brochures, books, reviews, press releases, work instructions, poetry, speeches, and of course blog posts. I love working with words; writing is one of my favourite things to do!

But I must confess, there is one thing, one little tiny writing job, that never fails to give me massive writer’s block.

It seems so simple, and it’s something most people do regularly and probably don’t even think about it.

Whenever I am confronted with this task, I have no idea what to write …

So What Gives Me Writer’s Block?

Writing on birthday cards.

Oh how I HATE it!

I used to fret over every word. People KNOW I’m a writer after all, so I’d better perform – or else!

I sweat. I struggle. The pressure is on!

For a long time, I tried really hard to make every message meaningful. Do you have any idea how hard it is to come up with something original – not just once – but year after year after year, for your nearest and dearest, every time a birthday rolls around?

I’ve cheated more than once – I have a small book called “Completely Lost for Words” and it is packed full of “creative messages for all occasions”.

These days, unless it’s a “special” birthday eg 21st, 50th, or whatever, I generally take the lazy way out, by just penning the words “Dear X, Have a Happy Birthday, Love Me”.

Original, no?!

So tell me, what is your personal nemesis when it comes to writing – the one thing guaranteed to give you writer’s block?!

Linking up with My Home Truths for another Monday confession.


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