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What to Feed a Crowd

As I shared on Friday, we currently have a house full of guests, meaning that there are 8 hungry bellies (7 adults, 1 pre-teen) to fill each night!

I Must Confess: at first I panicked! This is not as simple as working out what to cook for guests visiting for just one meal.

No, this is more about how to feed a crowd – on a budget – and keeping it fast and easy, so that I’m not a slave in the kitchen for the duration of their stay.

But when I did a bit of planning I realised there are several recipes in my repertoire which seem to go a long way, or can easily be expanded.

I thought I’d share my ideas with you, in case you also find that you have to feed a crowd!

Menu Ideas for Feeding a Crowd

Lasagne I use 1 kilogram of mince to make one large and one small baking dish of lasagne even when there are only 3 of us in the house (lasagne is great for leftovers). Add a crunchy salad and some garlic bread and you’re guaranteed a meal to fill the hungriest of tummies!

Silverside – (or silverfish as Miss 19 used to call it when she was small!). If you have a big crockpot, pop the meat and the vegies (whole spuds, carrots, big chunks of sweet potato) in, and let it simmer all day. Then when it’s time for dinner, all you have to do is rustle up a quick cheese sauce (I do mine in the microwave). Alas, my crockpot isn’t a big one BUT I will still make this, and just steam the vegies.

Porcupine Meatballs – A firm favourite of mine since childhood! Again, I use 1kg mince to make the meatballs, roll them in rice (the “quills” of the porcupine), and simmer in a can of tomato soup mixed with a can of water (may need extra water during cooking). Serve with mashed potato and vegies.

Barbecue – Now this dinner idea will ensure that the men step up to the plate (pun intended!) when it comes to cooking. Open a tin of pineapple, one of corn, and add a salad – I find this brown rice salad recipe is a real crowd pleaser. Or add tomatoes, mushrooms and corn cobs to the grill.

Hot Dogs – Transform the humble snag by offering a gourmet selection of condiments – fried onions (of course!), tomato sauce, mustard, grated cheese, peanut butter, BBQ sauce. You *could* use bread rolls; or just wrap it in bread if you are slack a no-fuss cook like me 😉 .

Burritos – Use 1kg of mince in your favourite chilli con carne recipe, then lay out  a dozen burritos, salad ingredients and sour cream and let the crowd feed themselves!

Honey Pork Wraps – Actually, grab another packet of burritos while you are at the supermarket, some pork rashers, and a bag of crunchy Asian salad (coleslaw, noodles and thousand island dressing if you want to make your own). Cut the pork up into strips and fry – when cooked add honey, continue cooking until honey caramelises and pork looks brown and crispy. Then everybody can make their own wraps.

Roast – You can’t go past a traditional roast dinner – whether your preferred meat is lamb, chicken, beef or pork. Buy two of whatever you would normally get. Then get the troops peeling and cutting up veges, bung ’em in the oven and an hour or so later all you have to do is whip up a jug of instant gravy.

Whew! I think I’ve come up with more than enough recipes for the next week – especially when I remember that we will probably head out for some meals – fish and chips by the seaside, takeaway pizza etc.

What are your “go to” recipes when feeding a crowd for dinner?!

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