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What’s your Reading Style?

I’ve always been a keen reader, and have even worked in a library – which is probably where I developed a fascination with people’s reading styles.

I participated in a “Reading Style” meme on my old blog some years ago and thought it was such fun, I’d dust it off and give it another go (just like some of my favourite books!) … while I’m at it, I thought I’d nominate a few other bloggers to take part too, because I’m kinda nosy like that 😉 .

My Reading Style:

  1. Do you snack while you read? If so, favourite reading snack? Nothing better than a good book and CHOCOLATE!
  2. Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you? As long as I own the book in question, I find it very helpful to underline passages and mark quotes that are important to me.
  3. Fiction, non-fiction, or both? Mostly fiction (chic lit!) though some non-fiction – autobiographies, blogging books, or whatever my current passion is!
  4. Hard copy or ebooks? Hard copy (the original question was for audio books – my how times change!)
  5. Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters, or are you able to put a book down at any point? I can put a book down at any point and pick it back up again.
  6. What are you currently reading? “The Village Vet” by Cathy Woodman.
  7. What is the last book you bought? “Returning” by Francesca Suters (you may know her from the blog, Francesca Writes Here). I mostly use the library to support my reading habit, but like to support Aussie authors by buying their books when I can.
  8. Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can you read more than one at a time? Just one at a time. If I start reading another one it’s usually because the first one is boring and I don’t end up finishing it!
  9. Do you have a favourite time of day and/or place to read? Any time! Any where! I always keep a book handy for those spare moments.
  10. Is there a specific book or author that you find yourself recommending over and over? I’ve mentioned it before in my post “Five Books the Changed My Life“. It’s called “Stop Walking on Eggshells” by Paul T Mason & Randi Kreger, and is subtitled “taking your life back when someone you care about has borderline personality disorder (BPD)”. It really helped and comforted me because we suspect my mother had BPD, so I have recommended it to other family members.

Well that’s me … I’m going to nominate three other bloggers to share their reading style (hopefully I’ve picked people who love to read!), I imagine they will all be quite different!

Do you have any quirks when it comes to your reading style?!

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