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Why I’m Going to Problogger this Year

what I hope to get out of Problogger

So last year I didn’t go to Problogger.

It was the right decision for me after two consecutive years of attending – you can read about my reasons here.

So it might come as a surprise that I am looking forward to going again, at the end of this week!

What changed?

Well, first of all, I realised that I was expecting way too much out of a 2 day conference.

Since I last attended, I have completed a Diploma of Digital Marketing which has given me more of the in-depth knowledge I was thirsting for.

Why I’m Going to Problogger this year

This time, I am going to Problogger so I can meet other blogging enthusiasts.

It can be a bit of a lonely road, so I’m really looking forward to the chance to chat with other bloggers. If I happen to pick up some useful hints and tips along the way, great, but that’s not my primary motivation for attending.

I think I’ve also reached a point in my blogging journey where I can enjoy listening to “success stories” without being swamped with jealousy, or overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness, that it will never happen to me. Because I don’t care if it does or doesn’t – of course it would be nice – but I’m just enjoying what I’m doing on this here blog.

What is success anyway? To me, it’s enjoying what I do – and I do! It’s nice to have others come along and join me for the ride, but my readers don’t have to number in the thousands for it to be worthwhile!

I’m also not staying on site this year. The conference is just 45 minutes’ drive from my home, so to save money I am driving to and from the venue each day. Although I might miss out on the party and niche / networking events, I’m not really worried. I find it a strain to be constantly social, so don’t really want to attend them anyway.

My expectations of Problogger this year are fairly low – but maybe that’s not such a bad thing, because hopefully they’ll be exceeded!

So that’s why I’m going to Problogger this year – if you are coming along, what are you hoping to get out of it?

Linking up with Kylie Purtell for IBOT.






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