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7 Signs Someone Doesn’t Like You

signs someone doesn't like you

How do you handle it if you get the feeling someone doesn’t like you?

I’m not going to mention any names or particular situations – but there is this one woman (99% sure she doesn’t read my blog anyways), an acquaintance I keep encountering at various events.

No, I didn’t see her at Menopause the Musical on the weekend, I just liked this photo 🙂

And for some reason, I get the feeling she just doesn’t like me (I know, I can’t believe it either!).

On the surface, we seem to have a lot in common and live in the same area (hence the constant bumping into each other). She’s never been obviously rude or anything, it’s just a general vibe I’ve been getting.

For example:

  1. I could give anybody the benefit of the doubt, and think they are having a bad day once or twice, but she seems cool and disinterested every time.
  2. I would also chalk it up to shyness, but she seems friendly, outgoing and chatty enough. Just not with me.
  3. When we do find ourselves at an event together, we say hello and exchange a bit of small talk but that’s it.
  4. I’m wondering if her body language is what’s giving it away? There’s nothing specific that I remember, but she never wants to linger for conversation …
  5. She has never shown any interest in me, or getting together for a coffee, despite all we seem to have in common.
  6. Although connected on social media, we don’t talk.
  7. She makes me feel uncomfortable.

For some reason she is just not that into me!

To be honest, I feel like she is looking down her nose at me – but again, I can’t really pinpoint why I feel that way. I’m so lovable and cute, it’s hard to believe!

Even Miss Fleur is pondering why someone wouldn’t like me …

Mostly I don’t let it bother me. I remind myself that everybody’s different, maybe she already has more friends than she can handle, who knows … but I must confess it does leave me quite mystified. There aren’t too many people I can’t get along with but she seems to be one of them.

Do you ever get the feeling that someone doesn’t like you – and how do you handle it?

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