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Blogging Clarity Challenge 4: Passions

My Blogging Clarity Challenge: My Passions inlcude my kids
Yeah, I guess you can include these two in my list of passions 😉

Welcome to Week 4 of my Blogging Clarity Challenge!

Each Friday I am addressing one of these 7 questions, in an attempt to guide my future blogging direction:

  1. What interests do I have?
  2. What experiences (good or bad) have I had?
  3. What expertise and skills do I have?
  4. What are my passions?
  5. What gives me energy?
  6. What do I talk about with my friends?
  7. If I could write about anything, what would I write?

This week – it’s all about my passions.

Blogging Clarity Challenge 4: Passions

But how do you even define a passion anyways?!

The word passion comes from the Latin “pati” – which means to suffer. With that in mind: what are the things that I value, and believe in so much, that I am willing to suffer or sacrifice for them?

For me, the list includes …

Now it’s over to you. What are the things that you are willing to suffer or sacrifice for?

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