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Ghosts of Christmas Past

You know all the magic hype of Christmas? I’m not really into it.

I feel like a traitor saying this. After all, we’re celebrating the birth of Christ!

Perhaps my ambivalence is due to the ghosts of Christmas past … what Christmas was like for me as a youngster.

I don’t have any photos of my childhood Christmases. This one will have to do instead – at least it’s of a “Christmas past” – a very happy one! It was taken when I was pregnant with Mr 20.

As the eldest of four kids, being raised by a single mum, money was always tight.

While my friends were receiving bikes, stereos, roller skates, and other big ticket items, we usually got $20 each for Christmas Day – mainly because my mother hated Christmas shopping and avoided it at all costs (these days I can see where she was coming from!).

In a way, receiving cash was a good idea – we then spent it on what we really wanted at the post-Christmas sales.

But the main reason was due to my mother’s mental health issues. The stresses of Christmas – financial worries, unrealistic expectations (a roast dinner in the middle of a summer heatwave!) and pressure from all corners to be joyful, seemed to bring out the very worst in her.

My childhood memories of Christmas are anything but festive – in fact, they are downright traumatic 🙁 .

Thankfully that is all in the past!

Today I am blessed to have a husband who spoils me rotten each Christmas (regardless of the amount of money actually spent, it’s the thought that counts and he always puts lots of thought into it!), and two awesome kids, Mr 20 and Miss 18 … and yes, I probably do compensate somewhat for my own lack of pressies, and end up going a bit overboard with gifts for them … though I’m trying to rein it in a bit now they’re all grown up!

But despite my own happy family, I really don’t enjoy Christmas. So much pressure, hype and build up leading up to just one day.

So I’m kind of relieved that this year, I’m escaping the Christmas madness. Tomorrow, I’m boarding a cruise ship with my sister and our two best friends since youth group days, bound for Noumea and Vanuatu – and by the time I get back, Christmas will be just days away and almost over for another year!

Do you battle with any ghosts of Christmas past? How do you dispel them?!


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