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I Must Confess: I’ve Never Been Drunk

Although I like a drink every now and then, I've never been drunk
It’s not as if I never drink alcohol; but,
I’ve never been drunk in all my 47 years!

After reading another blogger’s post about her drunken tipsy shenanigans recently, I realised something about myself that others might find rather unusual.

I Must Confess: I’ve never been drunk.

It’s not that I don’t drink alcohol at all. It’s just I’ve never been drunk – and have never experienced a hangover. Seriously.

I’ve never really liked the taste of most alcoholic drinks, so that has definitely been a factor. Beer, spirits, champagne – DIS-GUST-ING. How can anybody drink that stuff?! I have a sweet tooth so even wine didn’t really take my fancy, until Moscato came along ;-).

In my early teenage years, I had an alcoholic and violent stepfather, so this might have something to do with it perhaps.

Or the fact that I am a bit of a control freak, and don’t like the thought of not being in control of my faculties.

As it turns out, I am actually allergic to some of the preservatives/chemicals commonly found in alcoholic beverages. I learned the hard way that just a glass of some wines will give me a raging case of hay fever. It’s hard to enjoy a party or have a good time when your eyes are streaming and you can’t stop sneezing. In fact, the Christmas just gone I had half a glass of cider at lunch with the outlaws … and then wondered why I felt so miserable and snotty for the rest of the day!

But don’t feel sorry for me! I really don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything.

I’ve never really seen the point of drinking to excess. Because getting that drunk would mean vomiting and I loathe vomiting – why would I do something guaranteed to end with me hugging the toilet bowl?!

I *do* know what it’s like to get a bit giggly and light-headed (when you drink so infrequently, it only takes a sip or two!). Although come to think of it, that’s pretty much my normal personality 😉 .

If you have a history (or even a present!) filled with drunken escapades, please don’t think I’m judging you in any way! I might not have ever been drunk, but I’m sure there are plenty of things I’ve done that haven’t been the wisest choices either …

What’s your attitude to drinking? Are there any other “never been drunks” out there?!

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