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Not at Problogger Event?!

Not at Problogger Event? I'm here to cheer you up!Today, I am at Problogger Event on the Gold Coast, and I wanted to try and cheer up those of you playing along at home.

Chances are, you’re feeling a bit left out, thanks to the million dozens of tweets / instapics / statuses showing what a glorious time is being had by Problogger attendees.

6 Things to Celebrate about NOT being at Problogger

So here’s some tips to help you feel better …

  1. Sleep in on Saturday. Just remember, those of us at Problogger won’t get a chance to sleep in while we’re away – like any conference it will be go-go-go from daybreak til late. (I, for one, will miss my Saturday sleep in but it is a sacrifice I’m prepared to make just once a year in honour of the occasion 😉 ).
  2. Fast from social media for the duration. Problogger event? What Problogger event?! This is the virtual equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears, closing your eyes and singing “la la la” loudly and tunelessly.
  3. Misery loves company. Or, why not create a hashtag like #notatpbevent or #nopbforme and post away on social media, you’ll probably collect lots of friends and reassure countless others that they are not the only ones that are not at the conference!
  4. Remember: even if it seems like every other blogger in Australia is at the Problogger Event, the reality is that there are only 450 tickets. Statistically, there are many more bloggers at home than there are at PBEvent – hundreds, if not thousands of Aussie bloggers missing out just like you!
  5. Decisions, decisions. You don’t have to decide which sessions to go to – the Problogger program is so packed with things I don’t want to miss, but the reality is, I can’t clone myself and go to them all. There are so many great speakers and awesome sessions to choose from, I really don’t know how I’m going to choose!
  6. Hug your family extra tight. Because while I might be having a whale of a time at Problogger, the reality is I am desperately missing my kitty my family (including my kitty!) and can’t wait to get home for cuddles 😉 .

Have I managed to cheer you up at all? What are you doing to help you deal with not being at Problogger this year?!

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