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Preparing for Frocktober 2015

The calendar has flipped over to a new month and you know what that means – #Frocktober2015 is now under way!

Of course anything worth doing is worth doing well! So in order to make the most of this whole frocktabulous experience, I thought I’d share a bit of what’s been going on behind-the-scenes …

Preparing for Frocktober: One Year to Go

When I first thought about doing Frocktober, it was last October – and at the time, I had nowhere near enough dresses to frock up each day for a whole month. So over the past twelve months I have definitely kept it in mind; perhaps more frocks made their way into my wardrobe than would have ordinarily, because of this 😉 .

Preparing for Frocktober: One Month to Go

Early in September, I had a stocktake of my wardrobe and realised I had about two dozen frocks ready to rock. Having put on a little bit of weight over winter, I also noticed they weren’t fitting quite as well as they could be, so I’ve hit the treadmill every day over the past couple of weeks in an attempt to remedy the situation …

Although two dozen frocks was a great start, I thought it might be nice to have some options.

The Ovarian Cancer Foundation encourages Frocktober participants to get creative in how they sourced and styled their frocks; rather than buying new. So, Miss 18 and I planned an excursion to my favourite op shop and I was fortunate to find another 4 or 5 frocks to round things out.

I also mentioned my Frocktober plans to a few friends, with the result that I was lent a few frocks as well 🙂 .

Then I sent an email to a couple of fashion brands to ask if they might be interested in supporting me receiving some great PR by donating a frock. As I write this I haven’t had any takers, but it was worth a try, right?!

Preparing for Frocktober: One Week to Go

With little over a week to go, it was time to start publicising – here on the Middle Aged Mama blog, and on my social media channels. I set up my page at Frocktober to allow supporters to make donations, shared the news with my lovely readers, changed my Facebook cover photo, and made a logo/pic (below).

With just a couple of days to go as I write this, I’m REALLY hoping the weather warms up – I’m not going to be very comfortable (or attractive!) wearing frocks with massive goosebumps on my legs! I do have a couple of cooler weather options but a sudden Antarctic blast will really make it difficult …

I’ve also prepared a couple of donation tins to leave at the offices of a couple of my clients, which they have kindly permitted.

Now for my solemn promise to you: I will frock up every day in October, BUT, I do reserve the right to change into other clothing if strictly necessary – for example, if I go for a bike ride. Don’t want to get a frock caught in the bike chain – that wouldn’t be good for me, the bike OR the frock!

I may look a little over-dressed for some occasions, but what the heck, I’m kinda looking forward to having an excuse. After all, I’ve long mourned that people just don’t dress up anymore!

Finally, I’m aiming to share pics daily on Facebook and Instagram, and a weekly wrap-up of my frocky fun here on the blog.

So without further ado, let’s get the frocktivities under way!

Do you think wearing leggings under a dress counts as “frocking up”, should the weather turn cool?!

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