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The Truth About Introverts

does this woman look like an introvert to you? You just might be surprised!

So you probably think you already know what an introvert is, and whether you are one, and hasn’t this been done to death.

Well yes but … I gained a new perspective on it recently and you might just find it surprising. I know I did!

In any personality profile I’ve ever done, I’ve come up as an “extrovert” – including the well-known Myers Briggs test (I’m an ESFJ, in case you’re interested).

People Think I’m an Extrovert!

But here’s the thing I’ve learned: just because you are outgoing, doesn’t mean you are an extrovert.

Extroverted Janet

For years I was seriously convinced I was an extrovert. After all, that’s what everybody else seemed to think I was. My co-workers (back in the day – Miss Fleur has never really voiced an opinion either way 😉 ) told me so. Friends and family described me as:

Unlike many people, I enjoy public speaking. That’s the sign of an extrovert, surely?!

Not necessarily.

Why I Think I’m an Introvert

Probably the first thing that give me a hint that maybe I wasn’t an extrovert, was the simple fact that I am a writer. Hello, introvert!

Introverted Janet

I’m quite happy with my own company. Most of my hobbies are primarily solitary pursuits: doing jigsaws, reading, going for walks, pottering in the garden. I can get lost in my own thoughts for hours. Seriously!

Then I heard somebody else say they were an introvert, “Because people drain me”. It was a real eureka moment for me.

Hi, my name’s Janet, and I’m an introvert.

Being an introvert doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m quiet, or reserved.

I don’t shy away from attention or avoid the spotlight (in fact I love it!).

I can make small talk, and introduce myself to new people at a workshop or conference, or take charge in a group – and I often do. Heck, I even ran a magazine for 14 years!

Oh, and when I was single, I might have been just a bit of a flirt too 😉 .

I still have a social life. I like to go to out and mix with people.

But the big difference is, I want, need and CRAVE time on my own. There are days (or weeks) when I feel “all peopled out”!

Looking back on it, I think this may even have been behind my decision to quit teaching many years ago. I didn’t belong in a people profession; it was incredibly draining for me. I’m much happier, puttering along doing my own thing, tapping away at my computer.

So there you have it: the surprising truth is that introverts can be outgoing, fun loving, bubbly, chatty, and all the rest. Who knew?!

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