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Visiting Hours: Not Just for Hospitals?!

Do you ever have unexpected visitors drop in?

While it’s usually a pleasure to catch up with friends and family, these days I prefer a bit of notice if they are planning to visit me at home.

This is partly because I work from home and it helps me to better schedule my work week; and partly so I can make sure the house is tidy (as per my Cheat’s Guide to Housework, LOL).

But if they do stop by unexpectedly, I would hope it would be within regular visiting hours.

Home or Hospital?!

I don’t mean to make my home sound like a hospital! (Although there is much to be said for an hour or two of “no visitors” to allow for an afternoon nap, whether you are in hospital or at home on the weekend!)

In years gone by, a phone call before 7am or after 9pm would make me panic – because outside of those times, I think most of us would consider it rude to phone, unless it was an emergency.

Of course these days we don’t even have a home phone.

However I would imagine much the same would apply for visiting hours – although I’d probably make it a slightly narrower window – say 8am to 8pm. That way I should (hopefully) be dressed and ready to receive company!

It’s different if friends or family phone, text or give you some other form of advanced warning of their intention to visit.

But when it comes to the unexpected caller, I think the concept of visiting hours has some merit. Maybe I should consider a sign on the front door to that effect! Or am I just getting a bit eccentric grumpy in my middle age?!

Do you think it’s okay to just drop in on friends or family unexpectedly? What do you think are acceptable visiting hours in your home?!

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