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When Is It Cheating?

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I’m a bit of a Big Brother tragic – have loved the show from the very first series back in 2001.

Apart from anything else, it’s about the only TV show that my whole family (the hubster, myself, Mr 19 and Miss 16) enjoys and will settle in together to watch. Now that’s what I call quality family time! 😉

If you’ve been following it this season too, you will know that Tully has been getting very cosy with fellow housemate Drew – despite the fact  she has a partner in the outside world. They’ve been very “affectionate” as Tully calls it, cuddling, spending time together, and whispering sweet nothings to each other.

This week, it seems there’s been some serious snogging (and who knows what else!) going on under cover of the doona!

When Is It Cheating?

Somehow I don’t think Tully’s partner has been terribly impressed by her antics, as she posted this on Twitter earlier this week …

Which brings me to my question – what constitutes cheating? When you are already in a relationship, at what stage do you think it has gone too far – flirting with a member of the opposite sex? Kissing? Or more?

The hubster and I care a lot about our marriage relationship and have set guidelines in place to protect it. We know that human nature being what it is, there will be times of temptation. We figure that the best way to avoid problems is to have safeguards and boundaries in place.

As a result, we don’t “do lunch” with a member of the opposite sex. Old fashioned? Over the top? Maybe. But we think it’s a good clear boundary, and saves us from heading down that slippery slope to temptation.

To me, kissing is definitely going too far, let alone anything more than that.

I’ve toned down the flirtatious ways of my youth too. Sure, it’s okay when you’re single, but is it still harmless fun when you are in a relationship? I don’t want to do anything that might hurt my hubster. I know that I’d be crushed if he flirted with another woman. So another guideline we’ve set is: no flirting (except with each other!).

Friendly or Flirtatious?

Yes, at times it can be tricky to find that balance between just being friendly with a member of the opposite sex, and not head into flirtation territory, especially for somebody as outgoing as me! If anything maybe I err too much on the side of caution and don’t really have a lot to do with males except in the context of a group, or with my hubster.

We are careful in other ways too. For example, the hubster will never drive a female anywhere on his own (except for me and Miss 16). Although I trust him, I appreciate that he is thoughtful to not even do something that might “look” a bit odd to other people. The other benefit is that nobody could ever accuse him of hitting on them because he just doesn’t allow himself to get into a situation where that accusation could be made.

Now over to you – what do you think constitutes going too far – when is it cheating?

Linking up with Francesca Writes Here for Thankful Thursday, because I’m thankful to have such a great hubster and marriage!

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