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When People Talk Behind Your Back …

when people talk behind your back

… without saying a word!

Because my copywriting business is based from my home, office politics and pettiness are no longer part of my nine-to-five existence.

This was brought home to me recently when I was chatting to a few people following a meeting in a clients’ office – and I intercepted The Look.

The Look

You know the one. The one where two people have a silent conversation about you behind your back, using only their eyes – and you look up and catch it.

While it might be a bonding experience for the two sharing The Look – the same as when they talk behind your back – it’s not a nice feeling to realise that YOU are the subject of their derision.

You’re not quite sure exactly what was communicated, but you’re pretty sure it involved a rolling of the eyes. You’re left thinking: What was that all about?!

Realising that *I* had been the subject of The Look is a rarity these days, so I didn’t really know how to react. So I just ignored it and carried on with my conversation.

The Stare

When I told the hubster about it that night, he sympathised and told me that his favoured strategy is to use a little non-verbal communication of his own: The Stare.

The Stare involves just looking at the culprits, without speaking.  Silence with prolonged eye contact will let them know that you are aware of the situation and don’t appreciate it. If they are feeling guilty already, this will make them squirm even more!

Upon reflection, I half-wish I’d been prepared and had given them The Stare.

The other part of me is glad I just glossed over it, as they probably already realised they’d been caught in the act. By continuing to act as normal, I communicated to them that I am happy in myself, confident, and am not bothered by what they may or may not think of me.

Still, it left me a bit shaken – and more thankful than ever that I am no longer subject to office politics on a regular basis!

How do you handle it when people talk behind your back – even if it is just with The Look?!

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